YS4 Fake

Blue Book: YS4

Description:       This flap is the first prototype of our 2000 NOAC issue S32. Other than the NOAC lettering, it is very much like the YS2 issue. The design is easily identified by the Black stitch around the Red arrow. Also, the "NOAC 2000" lettering is the same size as the lodge name, and the Blue fdl is one shade darker than the sky behind it.

Two samples were received by the Lodge Advisor. One is still in his possession; the other in the possession of the then Lodge Chief. Since 2000, we have seen 6-8 copies of this prototype in circulation. Most of these were traced to a Canadian source and are probably the result of a manufacturer disposal of overruns. There are probably at least a few more around that we did not seen traded / sold.

Quantity Known: Probably 12-24.
Characteristics: NOAC 2000 lettering; Black stitch around Red arrow; Blue fdl darker than sky; 54x123mm.

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EAAC Historical Preservation Society
e-mail: eaac@eaac.org
Rev 25 Nov 2004 sw