ZS5 Fake

Blue Book: ZS5

Description:       This flap appears to be a reworked manufacturing reject of our 40th anniversary Blue Book S19 issue. We never ordered any with Red or Orange border and have no clue where this came from. The first reported example was in the winter 1997 National Scouting Collectors Society Quarterly. The article mentioned having seen the issue "at the Philidelphia TOR". One of our members later acquired a second copy. For 3-4 years these were the only known examples. Starting in 2009 however, four more have been uncovered. We believe that this supports the theory that some rejects at the manufacturer were reworked by adding the border. The texture and quality does not match the patches we ordered, so this fake / unauthorized issue is a curiosity at best.

A small number could have occurred due to a loom or setup error by the manufacturer. The small number of examples would likely have come through the purchase from a sample / reject box by someone who produced what we are seeing.

Quantity Known: 6 known confirmed examples; possible that there are others.
Characteristics: Reddish Orange Border. Rough loom texture.
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