Summer Camp Staff Pictures

This collection consists of the staff "group" pictures which we have. A few are from the old camp at Hardy with the rest from the newer camp at Viola. If you can add other pictures or if you can identify individuals pictures please contact us. We will post a list of former staffers as soon as possible based on records obtained from Jack Roy and others some years ago. Name indices where we have them are keyed from the front row, left most person across each row. All are higher resolution images so they will take a few moments to load properly.

This page covers years 1981 through 1989

Click on the thumbnails below to view the pics full scale. To download, after clicking the thumbnail - right click and then "Save As".

1981 Staff 1982 Staff 1983 Staff
1981 1982 1983
1984 Staff 1985 Staff 1989 Staff
1984 1985 1989

1936 - 1944 1945 - 1953 1954 - 1962
1963 - 1971 1972 - 1980 1981 - 1989
1990 - 1998 1999 - 2000 Return To Main
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EAAC Historical Preservation Society
e-mail: Webmaster
Rev- 5 Aug 2011 sw