Description: For the summer of 1991, our camp director
Same Reyna wanted to give greater emphasis to the recognition of our overall
camping facilities rather than just on the central camp. In doing so, we
tried to make the Pine Trail Reservation name a more prominent place.
We also gave more focus to the total of the camp property trying to make more
used of the property south of the lake. While we did not want to return the
original camp shield design, there was a strong desire for incorporating an
influence from that earlier design into the overall shape of the 1991 patch.
The patch was ultimately designed by District Executive and camp director that
summer, Sam Reyna.
This is the restricted "Staff" issue for the summer. |
Camp Location: Viola, Arkansas Designation: XT-59:1 Characteristics: Dark Red twill; Silver rolled edge; Dark Red "Staff"; 74x78mm. |
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Historical Preservation Society
Rev 25 Nov 2004